About the Construction Workers' Trade Union Fellesforbundet, Division 600

The Construction Workers Union organizes construction workers in Oslo and parts of Akershus. We work for a serious construction sector based on permanent employment and Norwegian wages in Norway. We are a union for everyone who works in the construction industry.

Bygningsarbeidernes Fagforening is a new union, but it has a long tradition in the trade union movement. The union was founded after the merger of the Oslo Bygningsarbeiderforening (Construction Union) and the Rørleggernes Fagforening (Plumbing Union) into one union. For more than 125 years, our predecessors fought for higher wages and better working conditions. At the time of its inception in 2020, we had about 3,000 active members.

We associate plumbers, painters, upholsterers, floorers, bricklayers, tilers, concrete mixers, formwork carpenters, steel fixers, general workers, landscape gardeners, crane operators, ventilation workers, insulators and others who work on construction sites in Oslo.

The Construction Workers' Union is politically independent, but not neutral.

Fagforeninga er ikke et servicekontor som fikser ting for deg, men vi skal gjøre flest mulig i stand til å sloss for egne krav. En sterk fagforening er en aktiv fagforening med sterke klubber og aktive medlemmer.

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